Online Bibles

Android Orthodox calendars
- The church calendar, for the period 2010. – 2015.,
with daily date view according to Gregorian and Julian calendar, phases of the moon and types of fast.
The calendar has three views: Textual, Icons of the saints and Graphic view of the fasting period.
It is possible to get the begin and end dates of all years fasting periods from the calendar. - Holidays and Patron saints day dates. Every holiday and patron saints day, besides the date, also contain an icon of the saint as well as his biography. Only in Serbian version.
- Prayer book, with more than fifty prayers.
- Easter date calculation, as well as Catholic Easter date, by simply entering the year.
The church calendar automatically adjusts moveable holidays and fasts for every year
according to Easter as well as the phases of the moon.
The first version of the church calendar is for the 2010 – 2015 period.

Android Offline Bibles
- The Old Testament and The New Testament. Depending on the translation some versions of Bible comprises the Old Testament or the New Testament only.
- Daily and nightly mode for reading
- Adjust the text size
- Bookmark favorite verses
- Mark favorite verses with specific color and add notes
- Viewing of user markers and favorites.
Serbian Holy Bibles:
- Biblija, Daničić-Karadžić ekavica
- Biblija, Daničić-Karadžić ijekavica
- Biblija, Sveti Arhijerejski Sinod
English Holy Bibles:
Spanish Holy Bibles:
French Holy Bibles:
German Holy Bibles: